Proprietary Products

Your business deserves the most innovative
research solutions.

Limelight Insights by Shugoll offers a full range of research applications including proven proprietary products that were developed and honed through the teamwork and expertise of our staff.

Power Pricing Index

Power Pricing Index

Would you like to determine optimal pricing levels and to allow for accurate prediction of future sales within 2% of actual?

  • Recommends optimal pricing levels and allows accurate prediction of future sales within 2% of actual.
  • Proven batteries of questions are used to develop constructs for price expectations/tolerance, degree of price sensitivity and propensity to action.
  • Values for each of these constructs are developed at the individual level and combined for key customer segments.
  • Inserting these values into our proprietary model allows us to identify the maximum price (“critical price point”) that results in minimal customer loss.
  • Revenue streams associated with different pricing strategies are also charted, and the potential profitability of different market segments is estimated.

Product Opportunity Forecaster

Product Opportunity Forecaster

Does your organization want to identify which new product and/or service concepts will be most valuable in today’s marketplace?

  • Identifies which new product and/or service concepts are most viable in the marketplace by modeling expected market share and revenue streams.
  • New product concepts are evaluated first on their own and then relative to competitive offerings.
  • After the new product concepts are refined using conjoint analysis and an optimization program, discrete choice analysis is used to determine when the new concepts are chosen and by whom.
  • Modeling programs are applied to estimate the demand of various product options under current and likely future competitive scenarios.

Decision Tree Insights

Decision Tree Insights

Do you want to understand what drives consumers to make purchase decisions about your particular product or product category so that you can develop strategies that will most effectively influence them during the decision process?

  • Dissects the time and circumstance surrounding purchase decisions through a series of probing questions, situational recreations, verbalization/recording of thoughts and motivations, ethnographic observation and storytelling.
  • As a result of the proprietary exercises employed, a decision tree for a specific product or product category is developed for each person, and “points of influence” are identified for each.
  • Analysis involves grouping respondents with similar decision trees and points of influence so that, for each type of purchaser, strategies can be developed that impact the stage of the process where the person is most open to suggestion.

Ad Beat


Do you want to conduct advertising testing to identify which campaign concept or messages resonate with your targe audience? Then AdBeat is the tool for you.

  • AdBeat identifies advertising campaigns and executions that best meet your communications objectives.
  • The tool captures main message recall, diagnostics including likes, dislikes, and call to action information, and determines how your advertising scores on standard variables such as overall appeal, believability, uniqueness, relevance and so on.
  • The proprietary component of AdBeat, our “Description Analyzer Benefit Test”, measures how well the advertising touches on key emotional drivers and tangible benefits. Maximizing performance on these measures helps you to ensure your advertising has “timeless appeal.”
  • Further discussion in each group will center around specific aspects of each message/execution tested that are liked (“hot” buttons) and disliked (“red” flags) as well as those that may be confusing or undesirable, especially in their cultural context.
  • Suggestions for how each of the most preferred messages and executions can be enhanced will be identified and discussed in order to identify changes that may be needed so that the creative better communicates to key target audience segments.

Yellow Brick Road

Yellow Brick Road

Does your organization want to understand a customer’s Journey Roadmap in order to identify areas of business process improvement and increase overall customer satisfaction?

  • A client satisfaction and business process redesign methodology with the purpose of fully understanding the rational and emotional elements that comprise each step in a Customer’s Journey Roadmap.
  • The research identifies a client’s TouchPoints, rates the delivery of products and services provided by an organization at each TouchPoint to identify improvements needed.
  • The research identifies business process solutions that can be implemented to increase client satisfaction and ultimately improve client retention and the opportunities for generating new business.
  • A three-phase approach is recommended: Phase 1 involves conducting business process mapping sessions with a company’s internal staff to develop the Customer Journey Roadmap (CJM) and Client TouchPoints. Phase 2 involves conducting in-depth interviews with clients to validate the elements of the CJM and verify client TouchPoints.
  • Phase 3 involves conducting online quantitative research to assess client satisfaction at key TouchPoints.
  • Multivariate analyses including regression and perceptual mapping are performed to determine the priority areas to be addressed

Site Intelligence Platform

Site Intelligence Platform

Would you like to obtain feedback on whether your corporate website is considered user-friendly?  Would you like to identify the features of your company’s mobile app that are most valuable to users?

  • A unique and innovative usability testing tool to enhance and update websites and mobile apps.  Specially designed in combination with a strong testing protocol to enable us to execute this research efficiently and economically.
  • One-on-one in-person interviews with the appropriate target audience segments are conducted at a facility in a usability lab environment or virtually.
  • Respondents complete a test of the website or app that includes scenarios/tasks to evaluate usability/functionality.  The Site Intelligence Platform enables usage/navigation metrics to be recorded and tracked across respondents and reported graphically to analyze how effectively and efficiently the site or app is being used.
  • Our professional moderators then probe respondents to better understand their positive and negative experiences with using and navigating the website or mobile app.
  • The proprietary platform allows for high definition video recordings of the participant navigating the website or app, as well as his/her comments and facial expressions during the interview.  PC, Mac, iPad and iPhone are supported wirelessly, without the requirement of intrusive table cameras and cables.

Association Loyalty Index

Association Loyalty Index

Do you want to understand membership satisfaction and engagement?  Do you want to know which member segments to target in order to have the greatest impact on member retention and growth?The Association Loyalty Index is customized to each organization and is derived from member survey research results in three distinct areas:

  • Engagement
  • Satisfaction
  • Ratings on key attributes

Based on their loyalty index, members are then categorized into one of three segments.  Associations can then develop appropriate strategies to strengthen the loyalty of each individual segment and increase overall membership engagement.

Segments can also be profiled by survey variables such as kind/types of events they attend or would attend, reasons for not attending/participating in events or activities, reasons for satisfaction/dissatisfaction, length of time as a member, etc.

We offer a full range of research applications/studies:

  • Advertising Concept and Copy Testing
  • Advertising Tracking Research
  • Attitudinal Studies
  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Loyalty
  • Communication Campaign Effectiveness Studies
  • Corporate Image Studies
  • Customer Profile Studies
  • Customer Satisfaction Measurement / TQM / CQI
  • Industry Trends Analysis
  • Market Feasibility
  • Marketing Segmentation studies
  • Media Mix Evaluation
  • Motivational Research
  • Name Testing
  • Needs assessments
  • New Product & Service Testing
  • Package Testing
  • Positioning Research
  • Pricing Research
  • Web Site Usability Testing